6 Things to Know Before You Retire to the PhilippinesHere is a list of 6 things you need to know before retiring to the Philippines. These are based on my experience over the past 20 years of…Feb 24, 2021Feb 24, 2021
Vacation Packing Tips — Top Ways to Travel LightIf you want to enjoy your vacation the number one secret is to pack only what you need. Sounds obvious doesn’t it? And yet many travelers…Feb 24, 2021Feb 24, 2021
Philippine Love — So You Want To Marry A Filipina?Getting married to a Philippines woman is a great thing but not always great for everyone, it’s that old story, a Philippines girl can be…Feb 24, 2021Feb 24, 2021
How the Ketogenic Diet Works in Weight LossKetogenic diets force the body to enter into a state called ketosis. The body generally makes use of carbohydrate as its primary source of…Feb 20, 2021Feb 20, 2021
Type 2 Diabetes — Should You Use a Ketogenic Diet Plan?As someone who is working hard to control or prevent Type 2 diabetes, one diet you may have heard about is the ketogenic or keto diet plan…Feb 20, 2021Feb 20, 2021
What Is a Ketogenic Diet and How Does It Relate to the Atkins Diet?You’ve probably heard plenty about the Atkins Diet over the years. You know, that incredibly popular and controversial diet that involves…Feb 20, 2021Feb 20, 2021
A Personalized Necklace For MomMother’s Day, Birthday, Christmas, New Year, Thanksgiving, Valentine’s Day, or just any other day is a chance to make your mother happy…Feb 8, 2021Feb 8, 2021
Engraved Gifts For GirlsSometimes it’s hard to pick that perfect gift for the special lady in your life. Do you go for an old classic such as perfume or flowers…Feb 8, 2021Feb 8, 2021
New Mom Necklaces — How to Choose New Mom JewelryChoosing jewelry for a new mother can be a little perplexing because you want to make sure she likes it. There are a few new moms who are…Feb 8, 2021Feb 8, 2021
Home Improvements — Decorating Your Home is Taking Care of Your HomeWhen people think of home improvements, they often think of home repairs and maintenance: changing a lock, fixing a plumbing leak…May 17, 2020May 17, 2020